Traditional theatre curtains to bespoke designs

Everything you need - from traditional theatre curtains to bespoke designs

Ritzy stage curtains
Ritzy picturehouse stage curtains

Camstage offers traditional theatre curtains and a comprehensive range of high specification, durable curtains that cater to a wide variety of needs from community and school halls to the traditional theatres and cinemas.

Curtains come in many shapes and sizes as do the spaces in which they hang.  And we have every type of curtain for every type of space, as well as the equipment needed to operate them.

We supply only the very highest quality curtain fabrics from manufacturers we trust with a long and proven history in the industry.

But our knowledge goes beyond stage and theatre curtain supply and installation. We understand all the elements needed for safe and professional operation whether we’re installing traditional theatre curtains or drapes for our non-theatrical clients.

Our experienced team will discuss your ideas and advise you on what’s achievable and appropriate for your space and project. The more information we have, the easier it is to recommend exactly the right type, durability, weight and drop of curtain, together with the right fixing and mechanism.

Click on the ‘Styles’ button above and take a look at the line drawings to help you decide which type of curtain is best suited for your space. Then browse our swatches library to select your fabrics. And don’t worry if you can’t see what you want – just give us a call to discuss your needs.

Curtain types

There are many types of theatre curtains here are the four most popular:

Overlap, Traverse or Traveller

The traveller or bi-parting curtain is the most commonly used style. It comprises two sections suspended from a track, which open and close from the centre to off-stage.

It has 50-100% fullness and is generally manufactured in velvet when used as a front curtain.


This curtain is pleated or gathered with swags produced by sewing rings on the back of each curtain diagonally from the lower on-stage edge to the upper off-stage edge.

A cable or line threaded through the ring lifts the curtains open. Heavier curtains may need motorised rigging.

Festoon or Austrian

These opulent curtains have vertical and horizontal fullness sewn into the pleated swags. Raised evenly by multiple vertical lift lines between each pleat, they are usually made from ornate fabrics to give a luxurious grand opera house look.


Looks like a simple pleated curtain when closed and offers a choice of lifts. Raising all the vertical lift lines gives a scalloped bottom edge; adjusting the lift in some lines gives a more elaborate opening.


Kabuki curtain  ( Drop curtain ) is a special effect used in theatre and special events in which a lightweight fabric or banner is dropped quickly from above to reveal or conceal  a product, space, or performers.

The single Kabuki drop consists of either a hidden curtain dropping in in front or around subject, or a curtain dropping to the floor so to reveal the subject.

The double Kabuki have two process which begins hidden curtain above, 1st dropping in in front or around subject counselling it. 2nd releases the curtain goes the floor for the unveiling.


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